Search results

  1. D.C Style - Advanced Download - Xenforo 2

    D.C Style - Advanced Download - Xenforo 2

    @adensi <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- downloads page --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-4777119593203505"...
  2. D.C Style - Advanced Download - Xenforo 2

    D.C Style - Advanced Download - Xenforo 2

    i did this but not working can you please guide me as well
  3. AndyB - Similar threads - Xenforo 2

    AndyB - Similar threads - Xenforo 2

    Similar threads v8.8
  4. XenForo 2.3 Full - Compelling Community Platform

    XenForo 2.3 Full - Compelling Community Platform

    hello dear friends how many member successfully upgraded to 2.3.5?
  5. H2 issue in comment section

    H2 issue in comment section

    @xenvn please guide
  6. H2 issue in comment section

    H2 issue in comment section

    Hello please anybody guide me how to solve this issue
  7. Widget Threads Enhancement - Xenforo 2

    Widget Threads Enhancement - Xenforo 2

    please share latest version 3.0.0
  8. [tl] Profile Vanity URL - XenForo 2

    [tl] Profile Vanity URL - XenForo 2

    please share latest verion Profile Vanity URL [Paid] 3.0.0
  9. Ads Manager 2 by Siropu - Xenforo 2

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu - Xenforo 2

    Dear can you please share 2.5.4
  10. [AddonFlare] (AJAX) Advanced Forum Stats

    [AddonFlare] (AJAX) Advanced Forum Stats

    thanks for the reply bro
  11. [AddonFlare] (AJAX) Advanced Forum Stats

    [AddonFlare] (AJAX) Advanced Forum Stats

    Any brother have its latest version compatible for xf 2.3
  12. [BLKF] AutoDelete - Xenforo 2

    [BLKF] AutoDelete - Xenforo 2

    @xenvn file is not attached
  13. SEO & Index Tools - Xenforo 2

    SEO & Index Tools - Xenforo 2

    Please any expert know to use this addon in xf 2.3
  14. XenForo Media Gallery

    XenForo Media Gallery

    Yes you are right sorry for the wrong comment but i shared what i get. thanks for your reply.
  15. XenForo Media Gallery

    XenForo Media Gallery

  16. XenForo Resource Manager

    XenForo Resource Manager

    awesome bro thanks alot
  17. ThemeHouse - UI.X 2 Light / Dark - Xenforo 2 Style

    ThemeHouse - UI.X 2 Light / Dark - Xenforo 2 Style

    i am getting this error my xf is 2.3.3 Line 1351: Template tags are not well formed. Tag if was found when expecting set. - Template modifications: public:PAGE_CONTAINER
  18. K

    There is no valid connected account request available. Please try again.

    Dear sir i have tried everything below i will explain. 1. admin.php?connected-accounts/ settings are 100% correct. 2. i have tried latest version of xf 2.3.2. 3. I doubt may be its a my hosting issue then i installed xf 2.3.2 fresh in sub domain on my hosting and registration works. 4. I have...
  19. K

    There is no valid connected account request available. Please try again.

    Thanks for replying but i want to inform you that social media accounts settings are as per requirements. if i accept my social media settings are not correct its ok. but shockingly built in feature for registering in xenforo is through email thats all not working. i test it by updating my xf...
  20. K

    There is no valid connected account request available. Please try again.

    Dear Friends i am facing issue on my forum There is no valid connected account request available. Please try again. no signup with email working as well as social media signup also not working
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