XenVn Style for Xenforo 2

XenVn Style for Xenforo 2 2.3.4 Beta 8


A clean and professional style for Xenforo 2.3 with light blue tones, optimized color contrast, perfectly compatible with XenVn addon for best SEO score.
  • Simple interface
  • Standard color contrast
  • Light / dark tones
  • Requires Xenforo version 2.3.4
  • Just import XML file and use, nothing more needed
All VIP Members will be able to download this style.

Note: XenVn Style copyright belongs to XenVn.Com, you are allowed to use it on your pages, but are not allowed to re-share or re-sell. If found violating, your XenVn addon copyright license will be revoked and your account will be permanently banned.

This is beta version, any contribution to improve please discuss here, thanks. I did use some ideas from some other Styles.

Installation Instructions:
  • Go to: Appearance -> Styles -> Import
  • Select the file style-XenVn.xml
  • Press the Import button
Upgrade / Update Instructions:
  • Go to: Appearance -> Styles -> Import
  • Select the file style-XenVn.xml
  • In the Overwrite style section, select XenVn
  • Press the Import button
Logo Settings:
  • Go to: Appearance -> Styles
  • Select Style: XenVn
  • Select the Basic options section
  • Change the logo for your site

All VIP Members will be able to download this style.

This is beta version, any contribution to improve please discuss here, thanks. I did use some ideas from some other Styles.

Mobile SEO:
XenVn-Style-mobile-light.webp XenVn-Style-mobile-dark.webp

Desktop SEO:
XenVn-Style-desktop-dark.webp XenVn-Style-desktop-light.webp


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There are too many elements in the my navmenu and it doesn't fit on the screen. I would like to remove the “Username” part that I have marked. Is there any chance to make it “optional”?

Thank you.
You can use this css:
You must log in to view
(3 lines)

when I add a CODE tag, the text above and below it seems to intertwine a lot.
Can you slightly increase the margin top and bottom values of this field.
My sample uses are usually:
Text before
You must log in to view
(1 lines)
Text after

in the form of
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