Windows 11 - Completely disable file grouping & sorting by DateModified

Windows 11 - Completely disable file grouping & sorting by DateModified

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Windows 11 - Completely Disable File Group By Date Modified & Sort By List Date Modified.webp

If you don't like the file grouping & sorting by DateModified feature by default in Windows 11. Here's how to disable it.

Run the following PowerShell script (copy, paste and press enter):
$RegExe = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\Reg.exe"
$File = "$env:Temp\Temp.reg"
$Key = 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderTypes\{885a186e-a440-4ada-812b-db871b942259}'
& $RegExe Export $Key $File /y
$Data = Get-Content $File
$Data = $Data -Replace '"SortByList"="prop:System.DateModified"', '"SortByList"="prop:System.Name"'
$Data = $Data -Replace '"GroupBy"="System.DateModified"', '"GroupBy"=""'
$Data | Out-File $File
& $RegExe Import $File
$Key = 'HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell'
& $RegExe Delete "$Key\BagMRU" /f
& $RegExe Delete "$Key\Bags" /f
Stop-Process -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ProcessName Explorer
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