[XTR] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2

[XTR] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2 1.1.7

  • Thread starter Thread starter xenvn
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[XTR] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2.webp

[XTR] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2


  • Don't upgrade this add-on with old version (File directories have been changed.)
  • What does this add-on do?
  • This add-on shows to featured threads with responsive slider.
What's New
  • Add-on has been updated with support for XF2.1+
  • Added new slider options. (Fade effect)
  • Added nodes option.
Display Positions
  • Forum list: Above breadcrumb
  • Forum list: Below breadcrumb
  • Forum list: Above nodes
  • Forum list: Below nodes
  • Forum list: Sidebar
  • Custom: Widget key
  • JS Based improvement is going on.
  • Send to alert when post featured.
[XTR] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2-1.webp

[XTR] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2-2.webp


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This version does not run under XF2.3.x
You must use 2.2.x
this plugin will work on xf 2.3 on [HAL] Global JS
then share your knowledge with us.
A little instruction would make a lot of people happy here
bro Google will tell you everything and show you
or one... I'm definitely not your bro. on the other hand... thank you very much for your witty and helpful answer. You are an asset to this forum. (y)(y)
OK, I got curious before just ditching the addon and found it seems simple enough to get it working again. Barely tested, but for anyone interested, here you go.
For reference, ditched jQuery, and this addon's widget needs it, so we need to load in jQuery for it (short of rewriting this addon's javascript code to not use jQuery). And there are some changes the XF devs made to FontAwesome embeds that necessitate changes.

Edit the template "FTSlider_widget_block", find this:
You must log in to view
(1 lines)
Add this line after it:
You must log in to view
(1 lines)
Edit the template "FTSlider_js", replace both instances of:
You must log in to view
(1 lines)
You must log in to view
(1 lines)
And replace both instances of:
You must log in to view
(1 lines)
You must log in to view
(1 lines)
Edit the template "FTSlider_list_macros", and replace:
You must log in to view
(1 lines)
You must log in to view
(1 lines)

It seems to be working now for XF 2.3.6 .
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sehr schön! ab jetzt darfst du natürlich - bro - zu mir sagen! danke vielmals

very nice! From now on you can of course say - bro - to me! Many thanks​
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