[XD] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2

[XD] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2 1.1.1

[XD] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider - Xenforo 2.webp

What does this add-on do?
This add-on shows to featured threads with responsive slider.

What's New
  • Add-on has been updated with support for XF2.1+
  • Added new slider options. (Fade effect)
  • Added nodes option.
Display Positions
  • Forum list: Above breadcrumb
  • Forum list: Below breadcrumb
  • Forum list: Above nodes
  • Forum list: Below nodes
  • Forum list: Sidebar
  • Custom: Widget key
Wherever you want?

You can call the configured widget instance directly in templates using the widget key.
You must log in to view
(1 lines)


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