XenVn - Snackbar notification - Xenforo 2

XenVn - Snackbar notification - Xenforo 2

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XenVn - Snackbar popup notifications - Xenforo 2.webp

Snackbar is a lightweight and customizable jQuery notification plugin for creating Material Design inspired snackbars on the page.
The plugin makes it easier to display a small and temporary notification popup that appears at the bottom of the screen.

When you enable this option in XenVn, it will show the latest 5 notifications and conversations and automatically hide after 15 seconds.
Automatically updated according to the Alerts Auto Refresh option and has the ability to interact when you have multiple browser tabs open.

XenVn - Snackbar popup notifications - Xenforo 2-2.webp

XenVn - Snackbar popup notifications - Xenforo 2-3.webp

Activate at:
XenVn Setting -> Statistics -> Snackbar Notifications
Will be integrated in XenVn add-on from version 1.6.3
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Do you have the "Snackbar" as a single add-one?
Sorry. This feature is integrated in XenVn. Currently I am not developing addon specifically for it.

Do you know if there are any known extensions that can prevent Snackbar notification from appearing?
It doesn't work for me, can I as an admin see it when I add conversations for example?

Another question: Can I use XenVn - All In One Tools for Xenforo on two different websites, or do I have to buy two licenses?
Have you enabled it in XenVn setting? Snackbar notification only shows notification once, whether you read it or not, it only shows once for each browser.

You can use XenVn license on all your sites without any limitations.
I've activated it, then I'll try it on a test site I have, where I only have a few extensions there.
It doesn't work on any of my pages, can CloudFlare prevent it?

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