Verify Email Address Via IPQualityScore - Xenforo 2

Verify Email Address Via IPQualityScore - Xenforo 2

Verify email address via ipqualityscore-Xenforo 2.webp

Only for XenVn addon version 1.9.x

IPQS Email Verification
provides real-time Email Address Reputation Scoring that performs hundreds of syntax & DNS checks to determine if the email address actually exists with the mail service provider and is able to accept new messages. Additionally determine if the email address belongs to a disposable or temporary mail service, has a history of fraudulent behavior.

Integrating IPQualityScore Email Verification into XenForo will help reduce member registration spam emails. IPQualityScore is limited to 5000 checks per month.
XenVn has added a function to cache recently checked emails, which will reduce the number of online checks for duplicate emails.

In addition, the feature will prevent email addresses with characters that do not belong to: a-z, 0-9, -_.

Activate at:
XenVn Setting -> Users -> Verify Email Via IPQualityScore


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