XenVn - Optimize Font Awesome for Xenforo 2

XenVn - Optimize Font Awesome for Xenforo 2

XenVn - Optimize Font Awesome for Xenforo 2.webp

XenForo uses Font Awesome Pro 5 which contains several thousand icons but where XenForo usually only uses a few hundred icons.
By removing unused icons, the size of the CSS, WOFF, WOFF2 files can be reduced and this improves page load times.

The XenVn add-on's Optimize Font Awesome feature will scan your system for all Font Awesome code in use. From there, create an optimal CSS code and WOFF, WOFF2 file for Font Awesome.

The feature is completely automatic, you just need to turn it on in the settings of XenVn. (Extra -> Optimize Font Awesome).
Note: When you change any Font Awesome code, run [XenVn] Rebuild FontAwesome in "Tools -> Rebuild caches" to update Font Awesome code data.

XenVn - Optimize Font Awesome for Xenforo 2-1.webp

XenVn - Optimize Font Awesome for Xenforo 2-2.webp

XenVn - Optimize Font Awesome for Xenforo 2-3.webp
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