XenVn Addon - What's new

XenVn Addon - What's new

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XenVn is a All-In-One tools for Xenforo 2 with optimized code, multi-function and easy to use...
With XenVn, your forum will be easier to manage, better perform, improve SEO rankings and reduce conflicts between addons.
XenVn is integrated with more than 69+ useful features, compatible with most popular add-ons, styles and XFRM.

XenVn add-on is developed based on the original Xenforo platform, so it is highly compatible, easy to use and develop.
Compatible with XenForo version 2.2+ and PHP version 7+, 8+ (free technical support during the license period).

(Click to see an overview of the XenVn add-on)

(y) Get XenVn add-on here (paid)

:) View the latest release information

;) Basic User Guide for XenVn add-on

:coffee: PM @xenvn if you need more information or support
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Version 1.0.0 (01 Aug 2021)

Just install XenVn addon - You will have most of the necessary features.
(Chỉ cần cài đặt XenVn addon - Bạn sẽ có hầu hết các tính năng cần thiết)

Ajax update thread & atttachment without changing atttachment_id, better for seo
(Cập nhật chủ đề và tập tin bằng Ajax, không thay đổi atttachment_id, tốt hơn cho seo)

Quick ajax search thread with cache support
(Ajax tìm kiếm bài viết với hỗ trợ cache)

Redirect page with ads, countdown time, captcha and related threads, attachments
(Trang chuyển hướng với quảng cáo, thời gian chờ, captcha và hiển thị bài viết, tập tin liên quan)

Attachments download limit with User group permissions.
(Giới hạn tải về tập tin với phân quyền nhóm thành viên)

Thread list with icon image, descriptionn and featured thread slider
(Icon và mô tả cho danh sách các bài viết và slider bài viết nỗi bật)

404 Search - Find ralated threads when page not found
(Tìm kiếm bài viết liên quan khi trang hiện tại không tìm thấy)

Dynamic watermark - Auto resize watermark according to original image size
(Tự động điều chỉnh kích thước watermark theo kích thước ảnh gốc)

Optimize watermark for gif images
(Tối ưu watermark cho ảnh gif)
Original image, size: 672kb
With watermark, image size: 666kb (Optimized)
And many other features.....
(Và rất nhiều tính năng hữu ích khác)

Jump to Latest version
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Version 1.0.1 (17 Sep 2021)

Minify HTML Output
(Nén code Html)

Add Scroll to Top and Mention User button
(Thêm nút Cuộn lên đầu trang và nút Nhắc đến thành viên)

Easily customize the node icon forum
(Dễ dàng tùy chỉnh icon của forum)

Ajax load Thread Statistics and Powerful Cache support
(Sử dụng Ajax để tải các tab thống kê bài viết và hỗ trợ cache tốt hơn cho thống kê)

Option to generate square thumbnail image, recommended when using thread icon function
(Chức năng tạo ảnh thu nhỏ hình vuông, sử dụng cho chức năng tạo icon bài viết)

Optimized compatibility with popular Xenforo styles
(Tối ưu khả năng tương thích với các style Xenforo thông dụng)

Fixed some bugs in version 1.0.0
(Sửa một vài lỗi ở phiên bản 1.0.0)

After upgrading to the new version 1.0.1, please delete file src\addons\XV\ActivitySummary\LastUpdate.php and folder ActivitySummary.
You can use XenVn health check results tool at url: admin.php?tools/xv-check to check details.
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Version 1.0.2 (30 Sep 2021)

  • Optimize redirect page
  • Optimize html compression
  • Optimize user group permissions
  • Optimize ad blocker detector
  • Fixed minor bugs in version 1.0.1
  • Rearrange the order of addon settings
  • Add function to hide Health Check results
See details in the attached pictures below


  • 8-NodeIcon.webp
    32.6 KB · Views: 320
  • 7-Limit.webp
    35.4 KB · Views: 303
  • 6-Extra.webp
    49.9 KB · Views: 291
  • 5-Users.webp
    29.8 KB · Views: 281
  • 4-Redirect.webp
    28.5 KB · Views: 268
  • 3-Attachments.webp
    44.3 KB · Views: 288
  • 2-Statistics.webp
    39.4 KB · Views: 293
  • 1-Threads.webp
    42.3 KB · Views: 284
  • xenvn-permissions.webp
    63.7 KB · Views: 303
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Version 1.0.3 (09 Oct 2021)

  • Fixed the issue thread download limit counter for members automatically renews upgrade
  • Add alerts auto-refresh using ajax
  • Add limit download log: admin.php?logs/limit-download
  • Improved ad blocker detector
See details in the attached pictures below


  • 2-Statistics.webp
    43.7 KB · Views: 263
  • XenVn-Limit-download-log-Xenforo-2.webp
    70.1 KB · Views: 274
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Version 1.0.4 (31 Oct 2021)

  • Add Limit the number of New Register per IP address within 24 hours.
  • Add Limit the number of IPs each user can use in 24 hours to download attachments
  • Warn users before leaving the site while uploading an update attachment.
  • Added new options: Optimal thread meta description, Use Thread Image for meta og:image
  • Fix node icon manager bug
  • Improve the position of ads for threads (Ad Top, Ad Bottom)
See details in the attached pictures below


Limit the number of New Register per IP address within 24 hours.
Once the limit is reached, that IP Address will not allow new registrations, until other registrations same IP are completed.
This helps to avoid registering too many members from the same IP address within 24 hours


Limit the number of IPs each user can use in 24 hours
Once the limit is exceeded, user will not be able to download attachments.


Thread Meta Description
Optimal thread meta description

Thread Meta Image
Use Thread Image for meta og:image
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[Big Update February 2022]

Version 1.1.0 (14 Feb 2022)

  • Optimizing the settings panel
  • Optimize XenVn performance
  • Synchronize auto alert time when opening multiple tabs
  • Add option: Redirect Page for XFRM
  • Add option: User Group Max File Size Upload
  • Add option: Convert WEBP to JPG
  • Add new features: File manager
  • Add new features: SQL Manager
  • Add new features: Malware scanner
  • Add new features: Backup manager
  • and more...
[Important] After upgrading to version 1.1.0 is complete, you must do the following:
1. Some settings in XenVn need to be reconfigured, old user group permissions do not change.
2. Manually delete the following files (only delete these files when you have completed the upgrade to version 1.1.0)

  • src\addons\XV\Admin\Controller\Log.php
  • src\addons\XV\Admin\Controller\Tools.php
  • src\addons\XV\Service\Attachment.php
  • src\addons\XV\Job\Attachment.php
  • src\addons\XV\Job\Image.php
  • src\addons\XV\Template\test.php
3. Run the XenVn Health Check tool to make sure all files are safe and correct.



  • 1-XenVn-Setting-Threads.webp
    48 KB · Views: 238
  • 2-XenVn-Setting-Statistics.webp
    44.8 KB · Views: 232
  • 3-XenVn-Setting-Attachments.webp
    50.2 KB · Views: 235
  • 4-XenVn-Setting-Redirect.webp
    35.3 KB · Views: 223
  • 5-XenVn-Setting-Users.webp
    42 KB · Views: 229
  • 6-XenVn-Setting-Extra.webp
    49.6 KB · Views: 222
  • 7-XenVn-Setting-Limit.webp
    41.4 KB · Views: 235
  • 8-XenVn-Setting-NodeIcon.webp
    36.9 KB · Views: 235
  • 9-XenVn-Setting-Security.webp
    28.7 KB · Views: 223
  • 10-XenVn-Setting-About.webp
    23.5 KB · Views: 234
  • XenVn-Permission.webp
    60.6 KB · Views: 222
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Version 1.1.1 (17 Mar 2022)

  • Optimized compatible with php 7, php 8
  • Optimize the performance of the automatic notification refresh function when opening multiple tabs
  • Add queue timer function for redirect page
  • Optimizing the display size of attached images (Extra CSS Mod)
  • Optimize exclusion domains for page redirects

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