[TH] Giphy - Xenforo 2

[TH] Giphy - Xenforo 2 1.0.4

[TH] Giphy - Xenforo 2.webp

Let the fun begin with GIFs! Giphy from ThemeHouse unites XenForo 2 and Giphy the popular library of animated GIFs for every occasion. Includes content rating filters and potential for endless fun.
  • Provide another way for users to communicate on your forum
  • Create a fun environment
  • Integrate with Giphy
Administrator Features
  • Choose between two different Giphy search styles
  • Seamless integration
  • Use an image or Font Awesome icons
  • Set the rating for which GIF’s can be seen when searching in the search bar using the content rating filter
User Features
  • Add character to your post with a GIF
  • Use of the popular library of animated GIFs from Giphy
[TH] Giphy - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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