
Featured Resource Image

qene10Verified member

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Reputation: 23%

When a link is given of a resource, to a social media, I want the first image added to that resource to appear in the featured image section.
However, the first image should not appear in the resource.
Is it possible to do this?
I think there was this feature in the “Thread” section before, but I'm not sure if it is still available now?
I would be grateful for your help.

Thank you very much.
Hiding the attachment when it is selected as og:image is inconvenient for some users. So I removed it.

Just leave the image as thumbnail at the end of the post, I don't see any impact.
I don't know what the drawbacks are, but "useful for some users"
Why are we being deprived of a feature that we benefit from?
Users who want to use it, users who don't want to don't use it.
It's a bad look when a picture appears at the bottom.
Some people may not care, but I care about visuals.
Can't you make this option "optional"?
I want to use it.

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