[cXF] Log in OR Register - Xenforo 2

[cXF] Log in OR Register - Xenforo 2 1.0.2

[cXF] Log in OR Register - Xenforo 2.webp

Add a Font Awesome icon or phrase as a separator between the 'Log in' and 'Register' navbar buttons as a clear indication of a call to action for logging in or registering on your site.

  • separate 'Log in' and 'Register' by a custom short phrase (such as 'OR')
  • set the font size
  • choose to separate 'Log in' and 'Register' by a Font Awesome icon
  • add a separator line on the sticky navbar to draw more attention to either option
  • customize the color of the font, Font Awesome icon, separator background, and separator line
  • set the page width in which you want the separator to appear as it might appear fine under XenForo's native narrow viewport
  • customize various positioning elements to get it to work on your forum
[cXF] Log in OR Register - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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