Search results

  1. XenForo Resource Manager

    XenForo Resource Manager

    I haven't even seen a paid null site sharing XFRM, XFMG, or XFES for 2.3.4! Weird :unsure:
  2. [DCom] NeuMorph - Xenforo 2 Style

    [DCom] NeuMorph - Xenforo 2 Style

    This is from and is not official update! The latest version is 2.2.14 as you can see...
  3. AdminJunkies - Cosmic 2.3.3

    AdminJunkies - Cosmic 2.3.3

    My gift to the community ENJOY! Looking to give your forum a modern, sleek appearance? Cosmic is the ultimate solution! Designed with stunning visuals and user-friendly layouts, this theme elevates your XenForo forum to a whole new level. Key Features: Clean, responsive design for...
  4. Are you using Xenforo 2.2 or 2.3 right now?

    Are you using Xenforo 2.2 or 2.3 right now?

    I don't see a point staying a step behind so I happily run 2.3!
  5. [XTR] User Group Avatar Frame - Xenforo 2

    [XTR] User Group Avatar Frame - Xenforo 2

    Here ya go!
  6. dubsac1

    Request section?

    what resource shall that be?
  7. XenBase - - Xenforo 2 Style

    XenBase - - Xenforo 2 Style

    What part of pagecontainer? The problem is none of the style property's work,
  8. XenBase - - Xenforo 2 Style

    XenBase - - Xenforo 2 Style

    Thats awesome! But I was referring to the Xenbase theme if it works for you or not.
  9. XenBase - - Xenforo 2 Style

    XenBase - - Xenforo 2 Style

    The style installs but nothing changes when I change settings to the style. That works for you? Do they use a core addon for the style or is there something I might be missing? By the way I have bolt 2.3.2 download below
  10. XenBase - - Xenforo 2 Style

    XenBase - - Xenforo 2 Style

    Nothing about this style works! Can't change any options to customize.
  11. [XTR] Thread Rating System - Xenforo 2

    [XTR] Thread Rating System - Xenforo 2

    You can try this one...
  12. Keyword Linking by Siropu - Xenforo 2

    Keyword Linking by Siropu - Xenforo 2

    I will share this one...
  13. dubsac1

    XenVN AIO 2.3

    @ignite It works entirely on 2.3 as well as 2.2x. I recommend this resource!!!
  14. D.C Style - Advanced Download - Xenforo 2

    D.C Style - Advanced Download - Xenforo 2

    This is a issue straight from the source as I had downloaded this from DCStyle!
  15. D.C Style - Advanced Download - Xenforo 2

    D.C Style - Advanced Download - Xenforo 2

    What version of XF are you installing this on? I do not have the advanced pro addon!
  16. [DCom] Velour2 - Xenforo 2 Style

    [DCom] Velour2 - Xenforo 2 Style

    This update is unnofficial and was updated by a scammer!
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