[XTR] Thread Rating System - Xenforo 2

[XTR] Thread Rating System - Xenforo 2 1.1.3

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[XTR] Thread Rating System - Xenforo 2.webp

Ratings let us know what you find important and feel should be acknowledged - it gives you a say in what goes on in the forum, and lets other people know that you value and appreciate the time given by those who share their knowledge!

Threads rated with three to five stars can also lead to informative tutorials or articles.

When you come across a thread that you think should be rated, all you have to do is simply scroll up to the very first post on the screen.

Along the top toolbar, you'll see an option called 'Leave a Rating.' Clicking on this button will bring down a menu in which you can rate your thread.

Simply click to tell us if you think it is Excellent, Good, Average, Poor or Terrible and then hit 'Vote Now' to register your opinion. You will then be taken back to the thread.

So what kind of thread actually deserves to be recognized? Well, that all depends on what kind of information you find valuable. If you are asking a question and receive several well thought-out, informative replies that you know are going to help you - then rate the thread! If you're looking for information and find something that you think you'll be able to use - rate the thread! If you're just browsing the forum and you see threads that have received a lot of information that may not necessarily be of value to you, but you see other people getting a lot from it - rate the thread!

Rate it! Basically, if you find the information useful, and if you think other people will find it useful too, then rate it - Just rate it!
  • Compatible with all node type.
  • You can select applicable nodes.
  • Rating alert system.
  • Visible rating stars on google search result.
[XTR] Thread Rating System - Xenforo 2-1.webp

[XTR] Thread Rating System - Xenforo 2-2.webp


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(16 lines)

It seems to be an error in the file "MacroRender.php" in the add-on "XENTR/ThreadRate". The error is classified as "E_WARNING" and affects line 15 in the mentioned file.

The error was probably triggered by an unexpected action or value in line 15. It looks like the code is trying to handle a template error and calling a function called "handleTemplateError".
it's working fine with me with the version Xenforo 2.3.2

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