ThemeHouse - iO Light / Dark - Xenforo 2 Style

ThemeHouse - iO Light / Dark - Xenforo 2 Style

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ThemeHouse - iO Light - Dark - Xenforo 2 Theme.webp

This vibrant, minimalist theme with concepts from Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines creates a professional forum that stands out. Your forum and discussions will flow with the clean and subtle design. Make iO unique with category strips that automatically change color based on your primary brand color.
  • Built with the UI.X 2 framework
  • Clean typography
  • Uses material line icons
  • Full page animations on page load
  • Uses a tab bar at the bottom of the screen on mobile devices
  • Full height iOS-style modals
  • Category strips that automatically change color based on your primary brand color
ThemeHouse - iO Light - Dark - Xenforo 2 Theme-3.webp

iO Dark Mode
Create a dynamic forum with this minimalist, vibrant dark theme. With concepts from Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, your forum will be sleek and captivating. Make iO unique with category strips that automatically change color based on your primary brand color.
  • Built with the UI.X 2 framework
  • Clean typography
  • Uses material line icons
  • Full page animations on page load
  • Uses a tab bar at the bottom of the screen on mobile devices
  • Full height iOS-style modals
  • Category strips that automatically change color based on your primary brand color
UI.X 2 Add-on
This add-on serves as the foundation for our XenForo theme product-line. It is the necessary functionality that allows us to extend the XenForo software in order to be able do things that the theme item alone cannot.

It is kept separate as it is not tied to the theme, view, images, files, or templates in any way. The add-on may not always need updating when the theme does, as themes typically need updating for every update XenForo software does.

ThemeHouse - iO Light - Dark - Xenforo 2 Theme-1.webp ThemeHouse - iO Light - Dark - Xenforo 2 Theme-5.webp

UI.X 2 Add-on installation requirements:


Last edited:
One of the best themes!!! Thanks
Can you tell me what the problem might be, when the icon font is changed to material outline, the icons from the old and new font begin to duplicate in the buttons. This problem is only on 2.3.4 xenforo, on 2.2.17 there is no such problem.
Can you tell me what the problem might be, when the icon font is changed to material outline, the icons from the old and new font begin to duplicate in the buttons. This problem is only on 2.3.4 xenforo, on 2.2.17 there is no such problem.
tell me, maybe someone knows what the problem is, it is very necessary
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