ThemeHouse - UI.X Classic Light / Dark - Xenforo 2 Style

ThemeHouse - UI.X Classic Light / Dark - Xenforo 2 Style

UI.X Classic Light - Xenforo 2 Style.webp

UI.X Classic Dark - Xenforo 2 Style.webp

UI.X for XenForo 1 was the original flagship product from ThemeHouse/Audentio. Though the look and feel was modernized in UI.X 2, we decided to use the same colors, fonts, and general look and feel as it was back in XenForo 1 for a dark version. UI.X Classic Dark has been updated with the UI.X 2 Framework, which comes with tons of new features. There may be some features it does not have perfect parity with, but many are indeed planned.

More UI.X Classic Features:
  • Standard, floating, or sticky navigation and userbar
  • Right to left support
  • Dozens of different search bar and navigation position variations
  • Collapsible nodes, sidebar, postbit, and signatures
  • Many types of category description types (tooltip, inline, or none at all)
  • Social Media icons can easily be moved down to the footer or to the logo block
  • Different login styles such as modal window, dropdown, and slideout
  • Option to enable avatars based on Material Design's color system
  • Option to remove the forum list page actions (New Posts and Post New Thread buttons)

UI.X Classic Light - Xenforo 2 Style-1.webp

UI.X Classic Light - Xenforo 2 Style-2.webp

UI.X Classic Dark - Xenforo 2 Style-1.webp

UI.X Classic Dark - Xenforo 2 Style-2.webp


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