XenVn is a All-In-One tools for Xenforo 2 with optimized code, multi-function and easy to use... With XenVn, your forum will be easier to manage, better perform, improve SEO rankings and reduce...
XenVn addon is an All-In-One tool with many useful features for Xenforo 2. Some outstanding features: Improve security & performance. Improve display, experience and SEO for forums, threads...
Hello all members, to help introduce XenVn addon to more people, and help earn a small income to motivate everyone. XenVn would like to announce the program to Become a XenVn Addon Distributor and...
A clean and professional style for Xenforo 2.3 with light blue tones, optimized color contrast, perfectly compatible with XenVn addon for best SEO score. Simple interface Standard color contrast...
We welcome everyone to visit and join XenVn.Com! I built this forum because I am passionate about programming. This is where I share what I've gathered and learned from the world. XenVn add-on for...
This feature helps you hide the content and attachments of threads / rerources from user groups. Show only an image and short description. And a message asking users to login or upgrade their...
Add icon next to username using fa-icon, example: fa-badge-check, fad fa-badge-check, leave blank to diable. And you can customize the icon color using XF's available color code. Icon is selected...
Add button to copy the contents of BBCode Code tag to clipboard, for thread / resource / direct messages,...) Enable at: XenVn Setting -> Threads -> Add Code Tag Copy Button (Will be available...
Snackbar is a lightweight and customizable jQuery notification plugin for creating Material Design inspired snackbars on the page. The plugin makes it easier to display a small and temporary...
User reputation score banner (as a percentage) for Xenforo 2. Scores are averaged based on the following scores: reaction score, question solution, message, trophy points, xfrm resource...
Limit the number of attachments (threads, resources) that members can download in a period of time. Features: Attachment Download Limit: (Count limit number by attachment). Limit the number of...
Prevent guests and users not in the Verified Users Group from copying your content and pasting it outside, replace content with page title and url, (bypass Admin, Moderator). Does not affect...
A tool to check and list the necessary settings / configurations to optimize SEO and increase performance for Xenforo. Click the [?] link at the end to see more details. The list of...
Instructions to set up delay loading Google AdSense in XenVn add-on. Only loads ads when the user scrolls or clicks the mouse, combined with a smart ad blocker detector. Deferring ads will help...
Limit Thread / Resource Download for Xenforo 2, This feature helps you to limit the number of threads / resources that users can download attachments in a time period. Xenforo 2 Thread Download...
Allow users to schedule thread / resource publishing Schedule a thread / resource to publish Edit the scheduled publishing time Cancel the schedule and publish immediately Automatically check for...
This feature helps you automatically hide the content in the Code tag from guests, invalid users. Prevent take it back Reaction and Forcing Like or Reply to view and quote Code Tags. Apply to...
Bump Thread / Up Top Thread for Xenforo 2. This feature helps you to update old threads to become new threads, change the post time to the current time. Good support for SEO. Update new times for...
Xenforo 2 Watermark Auto Resize for image. Features: Easy to use - No more config Default position: bottom - right Auto resize watermark Do not make copies of the original image Optimize with...
XenForo uses Font Awesome Pro 5 which contains several thousand icons but where XenForo usually only uses a few hundred icons. By removing unused icons, the size of the CSS, WOFF, WOFF2 files can...
Instructions to enable the feature of setting Og:Image and Og:Description tags for Xenforo integrated in XenVn addon. Applicable for Threads and Resources. Go to XenVn Setting: - Threads ->...
This feature helps you automatically convert external images into attachments, apply to threads and resources. Feature: Automatically convert images in the background, without overloading the...
Automatically delete users who have been inactive for more than 360 days. Do not delete administrators, moders or banned members. Activate at: XenVn Setting -> User-> Automatically Delete Inactive...