We welcome everyone to visit and join XenVn.Com! I built this forum because I am passionate about programming. This is where I share what I've gathered and learned from the world. XenVn add-on for...
You have several VIP categories on your forum. You want only VIP members (paid VIP) to be able to download attachments. And here is the guide. 1. First set up your payment information, for example...
How to completely remove the New posts & Post thread… button on the Home page. Using CSS only hides, not deletes. Open template: forum_overview_wrapper Remove the...
Long-running and scheduled tasks are deferred to the job system. By default, activity on the forum triggers these jobs to run. This can be changed to trigger independently of forum activity but...
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Extract included "Smiles.zip"zip file to your "public_html/data" folder EXAMPLE1 2. Import the included category of smiles you want in "Smiles Categories XML.zip" file to the...
If you are using Xenforo 2 nulled version you will get this error. XenForo upgrade check failed. To fix this error, open the file: src/XF/Repository/UpgradeCheck.php Find code: Replace with...
Optimizing images will make the page load faster and consume less data. Serving desktop-sized images to mobile devices can use 2–4x more data than needed. Instead of a "one-size-fits-all" approach...
HTTP caching can speed up your page load time on repeat visits. When a browser requests a resource, the server providing the resource can tell the browser how long it should temporarily store or...
Cách Thiết Lập Cache Cho Xenforo 2 - How To Set Up Cache For Xenforo 2 Thiết lập xenforo 2 cache giúp tiết kiệm thời gian xử lý và truy vấn cơ sở dữ liệu, giúp diễn đàn của chúng ta load nhanh...
Xenforo 2 fix error automatically submit sitemap to Bing. Setup -> Options -> XML sitemap generation -> Automatically submit sitemap to search engines: Replace the old bing.com code with the...
By default in Xenforo, thread list is sorted by the last post. If you want to change it, do the following: Login to Control Panel. Goto Forums -> Nodes -> Select the node to change In Advanced...
First way: 1. Go to Admin Panel 2. Appearance -> Templates -> extra.less 3. Put there this code 4. Press Save 5. Done :) Second way: 1. Go to your Appearance->Styles->YourTheme and search...
Would you like to customize your prefixes? Here's a simple DIY tutorial as an example. Of course, you can extend it for your own needs as you wish. So, read this tutorial to achieve something like...