We welcome everyone to visit and join XenVn.Com! I built this forum because I am passionate about programming. This is where I share what I've gathered and learned from the world. XenVn add-on for...
This XenForo 2.x addon adds additional definitions for bot detection in sessions. This addon requires PHP 5.4 or higher and works on XenForo 2.x v3.0.0 adds a new feature: generic bot detection...
This XenForo 2.x addon sends a summary of XenForo logs to administrators via email. Currently only server error logs are implemented. This runs using a XenForo cron task and can be configured to...
This XenForo 2.x addon adds logging functionality using the Monolog library from github.com/Seldaek/monolog Notes v3.x of this addon uses Monolog v1 v4.x of this addon uses Monolog v2 There is...
If you create an admin user but don't give them any admin permissions, you'll see the following information in the admin cp. You'll also see a bunch of other warnings and notices, depending on...
Description: Adds fake visitors to your forum who view random pages. Requirements: XenForo 2.2.0+ Features: Flexible setup of fake activity launch triggers Configurable time frame within which the...
Post Macros 5 is a XenForo 2 compatible major rewrite of my Post Macros add-on for XF 1. Post Macros allows your users to define 'macros' that are available to use inside of the rich text editors...
Geolocate your members and plot them on an interactive Google map! Uses Show your users' locations can be shown on an interactive Google map after being geolocated from their IP addresses. Also...
You have upgraded to XenForo 2.1 just to find out that your old blogs from Better Blogs/Good Enough Blogs are incompatible with the new version. No worries! Here is a free add-on to import all...
Update thread to appear in latest posts without replying. It is released as Beta version. Features: Global Enable / Disable addon. Can bump own threads Can bump other threads. Time limit between...
Description: Makes a quick reply form on the thread view page. Features: Sticky mode for mobile devices only (optional, requires Browser Detection add-on) Minimizing the full editor on scroll or...
A simple add-on to add a check mark next to a user's name in a conversation after they've read the last post in a conversation. NOTE: Some styles change the font awesome definitions and may...
Description: Allows to set alternative meta title that used in browser tab and search engines results for categories, forums, search forums or pages Requirements: XenForo 2.2.0+
They have created rules for your forum in a thread, but nobody reads them? Then use this add-on. It forces users to read a particular thread and only then can they view other threads/Forum etc.
Features: Page with any user conversations with date range, starter and receiver filters Option to exclude users from listing Ability to join any conversation
Make some extra changes for displaying your important content on your forums. set image background set category (easy field) set link color set description color set category color set animated...
Description: Easily create a widget homepage like a portal page. Add any widget to any widget homepage position. Use your imagination and create a homepage to suit your needs. The custom header is...