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XenVn SEO Check – Detailed Analysis & Optimization Guide for XenForo
The XenVn SEO Check analyzes various security and SEO-related settings in your XenForo installation.
This guide provides explanations for each tested point along with recommended fixes.
A well-optimized forum improves loading times, enhances security, and increases visibility in search engines.
Use this checklist to configure your forum properly and ensure all critical settings are optimized.
Each section includes a brief explanation and a potential solution. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the forum!
Security & Protocols
- [HTTPS] → The website is accessed via HTTP; it should be switched to HTTPS.
- [TLS] Not configured → Transport Layer Security (TLS) is not enabled, which can reduce security.
- [SSL] Not configured → SSL certificate is missing or not properly configured.
- [Protocols] configured → The supported network protocols are correctly configured.
- [HTTP-Status-Code] configured → The website returns a valid HTTP status (e.g., 200 OK).
Security Headers & Compression
- [Cookie-Secure] configured → Cookies are transmitted only over HTTPS.
- [Compress] configured → GZIP or Brotli compression is enabled, improving load times.
- [HSTS] configured → HTTP Strict Transport Security is enabled, forcing HTTPS connections.
- [MIME Sniffing] configured → MIME sniffing is disabled, reducing security risks.
- [CSP] configured → Content Security Policy is set up to prevent XSS attacks.
PHP & XenForo Caching
- [PHP-Version] Version: 8.3.12 → PHP is up to date, offering better security & performance.
- [PHP-OPcache] configured → OPcache is enabled to improve PHP execution speed.
- [XF-Cache] Providers: Memcached → XenForo uses Memcached for optimized caching.
- [XF-Guest-Cache] configured → Guest caching is active to enhance performance.
- [XF-PWA] configured → Progressive Web App support is enabled.
Caching & Optimization
- [JS-Cache] configured → JavaScript is cached to reduce load times.
- [CSS-Cache] configured → CSS files are cached to improve performance.
- [IMG-Cache] configured → Images are cached for faster loading.
- [SVG/WOFF-Cache] Not configured → SVG and WOFF files are not cached.
- [Attachment-IMG-Cache] Not configured → Image attachments are not cached.
- [Options] Enable board URL canonicalization: 1 → Canonical URLs are enabled to avoid duplicate content.
- [Options] Use full friendly URLs: 1 → SEO-friendly URLs are active.
- [Options] Romanize titles in URLs: 1 → Titles are romanized (e.g., no special characters).
- [Options] Include content title in URLs: 1 → The title is included in the URLs.
Images & Metadata
- [Options] Image optimization: 0 → Images are not automatically optimized.
- [Options] Image and link proxy: 1 → External images & links are proxied.
- [Options] Optimal MetaData: 0 → Metadata is not optimized.
- [Options] View All Image Attachments: 0 → Guests cannot view all image attachments.
- [Options] Minify HTML Code: 0 → HTML minification is not enabled.
Open Graph (Social Media Preview)
- [OG:Title] configured → Open Graph title is set.
- [OG:Type] configured → OG type (e.g., `website`, `article`) is configured.
- [OG:Image] configured → An Open Graph image is defined.
- [OG:Url] configured → OG URL is correctly set.
Other Settings
- [No-HTTP-Link] OK → No insecure HTTP links found.
- [Favicon] Not configured → Favicon is not configured.
- [Document-Title] Not configured → The document title is not set.
- [Meta-Description] Not configured → Meta description is missing or not optimized.
- [Links-Name] OK → Links are properly named.
- [Links-Crawlable] OK → Links are crawlable for search engines.
- [Image-Alt] OK → All images have ALT tags.
- [robots.txt] OK → robots.txt is correctly configured.
XenVn SEO Check – Detailed Analysis & Optimization Guide for XenForo
The XenVn SEO Check analyzes various security and SEO-related settings in your XenForo installation.
This guide provides explanations for each tested point along with recommended fixes.
A well-optimized forum improves loading times, enhances security, and increases visibility in search engines.
Use this checklist to configure your forum properly and ensure all critical settings are optimized.
Each section includes a brief explanation and a potential solution. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the forum!
Security & Protocols
- [HTTPS] → The website is accessed via HTTP; it should be switched to HTTPS.
- [TLS] Not configured → Transport Layer Security (TLS) is not enabled, which can reduce security.
- [SSL] Not configured → SSL certificate is missing or not properly configured.
- [Protocols] configured → The supported network protocols are correctly configured.
- [HTTP-Status-Code] configured → The website returns a valid HTTP status (e.g., 200 OK).
Security Headers & Compression
- [Cookie-Secure] configured → Cookies are transmitted only over HTTPS.
- [Compress] configured → GZIP or Brotli compression is enabled, improving load times.
- [HSTS] configured → HTTP Strict Transport Security is enabled, forcing HTTPS connections.
- [MIME Sniffing] configured → MIME sniffing is disabled, reducing security risks.
- [CSP] configured → Content Security Policy is set up to prevent XSS attacks.
PHP & XenForo Caching
- [PHP-Version] Version: 8.3.12 → PHP is up to date, offering better security & performance.
- [PHP-OPcache] configured → OPcache is enabled to improve PHP execution speed.
- [XF-Cache] Providers: Memcached → XenForo uses Memcached for optimized caching.
- [XF-Guest-Cache] configured → Guest caching is active to enhance performance.
- [XF-PWA] configured → Progressive Web App support is enabled.
Caching & Optimization
- [JS-Cache] configured → JavaScript is cached to reduce load times.
- [CSS-Cache] configured → CSS files are cached to improve performance.
- [IMG-Cache] configured → Images are cached for faster loading.
- [SVG/WOFF-Cache] Not configured → SVG and WOFF files are not cached.
- [Attachment-IMG-Cache] Not configured → Image attachments are not cached.
- [Options] Enable board URL canonicalization: 1 → Canonical URLs are enabled to avoid duplicate content.
- [Options] Use full friendly URLs: 1 → SEO-friendly URLs are active.
- [Options] Romanize titles in URLs: 1 → Titles are romanized (e.g., no special characters).
- [Options] Include content title in URLs: 1 → The title is included in the URLs.
Images & Metadata
- [Options] Image optimization: 0 → Images are not automatically optimized.
- [Options] Image and link proxy: 1 → External images & links are proxied.
- [Options] Optimal MetaData: 0 → Metadata is not optimized.
- [Options] View All Image Attachments: 0 → Guests cannot view all image attachments.
- [Options] Minify HTML Code: 0 → HTML minification is not enabled.
Open Graph (Social Media Preview)
- [OG:Title] configured → Open Graph title is set.
- [OG:Type] configured → OG type (e.g., `website`, `article`) is configured.
- [OG:Image] configured → An Open Graph image is defined.
- [OG:Url] configured → OG URL is correctly set.
Other Settings
- [No-HTTP-Link] OK → No insecure HTTP links found.
- [Favicon] Not configured → Favicon is not configured.
- [Document-Title] Not configured → The document title is not set.
- [Meta-Description] Not configured → Meta description is missing or not optimized.
- [Links-Name] OK → Links are properly named.
- [Links-Crawlable] OK → Links are crawlable for search engines.
- [Image-Alt] OK → All images have ALT tags.
- [robots.txt] OK → robots.txt is correctly configured.