21/7/21 Views: 637 It is an add-on where you can customize icons for forums, linked forums, pages and sub-forums on xenforo 2. [XenGenTr] Welcome Panel - Xenforo 2 1.1.3 [XenGenTr] External links routing system - Xenforo 2 1.0.0 Attachments XenGenTr-ForumIkonlari-2.0.3.zip XenGenTr-ForumIkonlari-2.0.3.zip 40.7 KB · Views: 13 Click to expand...
It is an add-on where you can customize icons for forums, linked forums, pages and sub-forums on xenforo 2. [XenGenTr] Welcome Panel - Xenforo 2 1.1.3 [XenGenTr] External links routing system - Xenforo 2 1.0.0