A fully integrated shopping cart system based on thread information.
This add-on is designed for admins that have items to sell. Selecting which items to purchase and paying with PayPal are just a few clicks away.
Q: Are other methods of payments supported besides PayPal?
A: No.
Q: Is it possible to add tax?
A: No.
Q: Is it possible for the thread starter to have their PayPal account credited?
A: No. Only the admin or the email entered into the Options page will receive payment from PayPal.
Download Xenforo [2.x] Add-ons - Shopping cart 1.1:
A fully integrated shopping cart system based on thread information.
This add-on is designed for admins that have items to sell. Selecting which items to purchase and paying with PayPal are just a few clicks away.
- Each thread can have a unique shopping cart added with single or multiple items.
- Each item can have up to two drop down options.
- Specify shipping charge for each shopping cart.
- PayPal email 'Notifications of payment received' includes members username and link to the thread.
- All phrases start with shoppingcart_ for your convenience.
- Download and unzip it.
- Copy the src/addons/Andy/ShoppingCart directory to your server.
- From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
- Go to the Options page and enter your PayPal email address.
- Go to the User group permissions and set the following permissions.
Registered -> View -> Yes
Administrative -> Admin -> Yes - Create a thread where items will be sold.
- Click More options and the Shopping cart admin link.
- Click the Shopping cart add link and select the number of items you will be selling in this thread.
- Click the Shopping cart edit link to edit item details. Keep in mind that 'Option select' fields need to have each option separated by a comma.
- Click the Shopping cart shipping link and enter shipping costs.
- Copy the Shopping cart link and paste it into the first post of the thread.
Q: Are other methods of payments supported besides PayPal?
A: No.
Q: Is it possible to add tax?
A: No.
Q: Is it possible for the thread starter to have their PayPal account credited?
A: No. Only the admin or the email entered into the Options page will receive payment from PayPal.
Download Xenforo [2.x] Add-ons - Shopping cart 1.1:
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