[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations - Xenforo 2

[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations - Xenforo 2 1.8.2

[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations - Xenforo 2.webp

Once installed, the registration flow will go from:
  1. User visits registration page
  2. User fills registration form and submits
  3. Registration is complete
  1. User visits registration page
  2. Account types are presented in an elegant way and user chooses one (screenshot)
    • If a paid user upgrade is selected
      • User is redirected to payment page
      • After payment is complete, user is redirected to registration form
    • If no upgrade is selected, user is redirected to registration form
  3. Registration is complete
  • 3X your forum's revenue
  • Ability to require payment for registration
  • Higher membership control
  • Display and compare user upgrade perks in an elegant way
  • Gift Upgrades
  • Extend/Renew Upgrades
  • Expiry Notifications/Reminders
  • Built-in Promo/Coupon Code System
  • Quick and easy setup

  • Supports length specific, permanent and recurring user upgrades
  • Custom payment amounts specified by the user
  • Integrates with existing payment profiles
  • Fully mobile responsive
  • Choose which upgrades to show/hide
  • Customizable upgrade box colors
  • Customizable display order
  • "Feature" certain user upgrades
[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations xenforo 2.webp


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