Xenforo 2 - Update Threads and Attachments with Ajax

Xenforo 2 - Update Threads and Attachments with Ajax

Ajax Update Thread and Attachment for Xenforo 2.webp

Update Xenforo 2 Threads and Attachments with Ajax (Cập nhật bài viết và tập tin của Xenforo 2 với Ajax)


  • Update thread info: uptop thread (bump thread), thread suffix, thread image, DMCA badges.
  • Update first post's attachments without changing attachment_id, create redirects, better for seo.
Uptop thread function will convert the old thread into a new thread (updating the posting time).

This is a feature of XenVn add-on, see details here:

Ajax Update Thread and Attachment for Xenforo 2-1.webp
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