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Xenforo error log (404 Sitemaps ping is deprecated)
Sitemap ping
The sitemap protocol defines an unauthenticated REST method for submitting sitemaps to search engines. Our internal studies—and also other search engines such as Bing—tell us that at this point these unauthenticated sitemap submissions are not very useful. In fact, in the case of Google Search, the vast majority of the submissions lead to spam. To wit, we're deprecating our support for sitemaps ping and the endpoint will stop functioning in 6 months. You can still submit your sitemaps through robots.txt and Search Console, but the HTTP requests ("pings") to the deprecated REST endpoint will result in a 404 error. Any existing code or plugins which use this endpoint will not cause problems for Google Search; you don't need to make any changes (but using the endpoint will also not do anything useful).
How to fix the error:
Step 1. Disable automatic sitemap submission
Setup -> Options -> XML sitemap generation -> Automatically submit sitemap to search engines
Step 2. Add the following line anywhere in the robots.txt file
Step 3. (Additional options) Use XenVn addon's AutoIndexNow tool
XenVn Setting -> Thread -> Auto IndexNow
Automatically submit URLs of new threads, Up Top threads to IndexNow tool. Get API Key here.
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Sitemap ping
The sitemap protocol defines an unauthenticated REST method for submitting sitemaps to search engines. Our internal studies—and also other search engines such as Bing—tell us that at this point these unauthenticated sitemap submissions are not very useful. In fact, in the case of Google Search, the vast majority of the submissions lead to spam. To wit, we're deprecating our support for sitemaps ping and the endpoint will stop functioning in 6 months. You can still submit your sitemaps through robots.txt and Search Console, but the HTTP requests ("pings") to the deprecated REST endpoint will result in a 404 error. Any existing code or plugins which use this endpoint will not cause problems for Google Search; you don't need to make any changes (but using the endpoint will also not do anything useful).
How to fix the error:
Step 1. Disable automatic sitemap submission
Setup -> Options -> XML sitemap generation -> Automatically submit sitemap to search engines
Step 2. Add the following line anywhere in the robots.txt file
Sitemap: https://xenvn.com/sitemap.xml
with your domain name.https://xenvn.com/robots.txt
Step 3. (Additional options) Use XenVn addon's AutoIndexNow tool
XenVn Setting -> Thread -> Auto IndexNow
Automatically submit URLs of new threads, Up Top threads to IndexNow tool. Get API Key here.
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