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- Replies: 89
XenForo is a compelling community forum platform with a premium user experience, reliability, flexibility and security. There is no better platform upon which to grow your community. Tested code, safe and clean.
Xenforo highlights:
- Easy to use, even if you are not familiar with web code, you can still build a forum with Xenforo
- Extremely light optimized code
- Fast page loading speed
- Best SEO optimization
- Highly customizable
- Various addons and styles.
Xenforo is a licensed forum software package. We do not encourage using pirated resources, use it only for research purposes and buy it from the author if you like it.
See details and purchase a license at:
There are a myriad of new features and improvements. Here's a brief overview of our favourites:
We now ship XF 2.3 with jQuery Slim 3.7.1. This is a smaller build of jQuery that excludes animations and AJAX (because this functionality is built in to XF).
- Dark mode and style variants
- Extensive performance improvements
- Featured content
- Image optimization (WebP), client side image resizing and more
- Automation via webhooks
- Sign in with Apple, IndexNow, Full InnoDB and improved MySQL search
- Embed your content anywhere
- Single sign on
- Direct message searching
- Passwordless logins with passkeys
- You can now log in to the admin control panel using your configured passkey.
- Changes to the job queueing system that allows a caller to create jobs with a specified priority.
- Webhook support for user upgrades.
- Separated XF.Cropbox from avatar.js into its own file, crop_box.js.
- Multibyte string handling
- Entity ViewableInterface and IndexNow
- Automatic webhook configuration via PayPal's REST API
with Turkish characters such as ö and ü
- Automatic legacy file clean up
- Persistent file names for attachments
- ...plus a myriad of developer improvements
You can call it on any page where needed with the following code:
XML:You must log in to view (1 lines)
Note that add-ons and custom styles may be broken after upgrading to 2.3. You must test your add-ons thoroughly or look for updates. Be especially careful with add-ons that cover similar features to ones that are added to 2.3; these may conflict with the core XenForo data. If data conflicts are found, they will need to be resolved in a new add-on release or by removing the add-on before upgrading to 2.3.
The following are minimum requirements:
- PHP 7.2 or newer (PHP 8.3 recommended)
- MySQL 5.7 and newer (Also compatible with MariaDB/Percona etc.)
- All of the official add-ons require XenForo 2.3.
- Enhanced Search requires at least Elasticsearch 7.2.
Some of the changes in XF 2.3.5 include:
The following public templates have had changes:
- Fix unassociated attachment limit checks
- Clamp client-side color contrast evaluations
- Appropriately load tweets after page load.
- Update Twitter connected account references to X.
- Fix X (formerly Twitter) connected account
- Ensure xf_oauth_client and xf_oauth_request have primary keys.
- Allow a Passkey credential_id to occupy up to 1024 characters.
- Make code editor search highlighting similar to editor selection color.
- Remove unused jQuery snippet.
- Fix reactions tabs for direct message replies.
- Support multiple variation menus when updating variations
- Fix number box handling when step value is any
- Fix a server error when no custom error phrase is specified for an error response
- Improve type hinting of schema manager closures
- Properly reset write-pending status when calling Entity::saveIfChanged
- Fix server error when log search results return a record for a deleted user
- Properly represent field and prefix user group IDs as a list of unique sorted integers
- Support lazy-loading variation pictures
- Suppress PhpStorm warnings in class extension hint files
- Fix unstable sort order for class extension output
- Fix potentially undefined array key when determining an entity cover image
- Properly validate OAuth client redirect URIs
- Pass import command interactive state to import-finalize command
- Improve BBCode HTML rendering PHP 8.3 compatibility
- Do not escape HTML when rendering custom field titles in the control panel
- Allow saving cookie preferences when board is inactive
- Fix duplicate moderated icon in article preview thread titles
- Allow fetching all server globals using \XF\Http\Request::getServerInfo
- Fix incorrect phrase in user change log handler
- Fix handling of null auto-complete results
- Do not scroll to last viewed image when closing the lightbox
- Fix error 'TemplateFinder::searchTitle() accepts 1 parameters but 2 are passed'
- Fix server error getting conversations by ID via API.
- Fix incorrect route format for the OAuth2 account/applications route
- Fix issue where code challenges for public OAuth2 clients could not be verified
Some of the changes in XF 2.3.6 include:
- code_editor.less
- connected_account_associated_x
- connected_account_macros
- core_button.less
- editor_insert_gif
- helper_js_global
- login
- passkeys_macros
- post_article_macros
- share_page_macros
- style_variation_macros
- Fix upgrades from XF 1 not having the correct xf_job table schema changes applied
- Fix an issue with updating multiple variation menu icons
- Fix some issues with HCaptcha
- Fix cookie third-party for X media site
- Remove bluesky_logo from template function list
- Attempt to sync PayPal REST API with current product name.
- Fix an issue with Less_Tree_Dimension
How to install / upgrade XenForo:
Copy all files in the uploads folder of the new version, overwriting the old files on your system. Edit the .htaccess file if needed. Run domain.com/install to install or upgrade.
The full version can be used for a new installation or an upgrade.
Hướng dẫn cài đặt hoặc nâng cấp XenForo:
Sao chép tất cả tập tin trong thư mục upload của phiên bản mới, ghi đè lên các tập tin cũ trên hệ thống của bạn. Chỉnh sửa file .htaccess nếu cần. Chạy domain.com/install để cài đặt hoặc nâng cấp.
Bản full có thể sử dụng để cài đặt mới hoặc nâng cấp đều được.
Download Xenforo 2.3, XenForo 2.3 Full, XenForo 2.3 Nulled, XenForo 2.3 Released
XenForo Resource Manager
xenforo-2.3.0-beta-3-unstable-full.zip20.2 MB · Views: 25
xenforo-2.3.0-beta-4-unstable-full.zip20.3 MB · Views: 25
xenforo-2.3.0-beta-5-unstable-full.zip20.4 MB · Views: 41
xenforo-2.3.0-beta-6-unstable-full.zip20.3 MB · Views: 44
xenforo-2.3.0-beta-7-unstable-full.zip20.3 MB · Views: 42
xenforo-2.3.0-beta-8-unstable-full-fixed.zip20.6 MB · Views: 41
xenforo-2.3.0-release-candidate-3-unstable-full.zip20.6 MB · Views: 29
xenforo-2.3.0-Release-Candidate-4-Unstable-Full.zip20.6 MB · Views: 48
xenforo-2.3.0-release-candidate-5-unstable-full.zip20.6 MB · Views: 40
XenForo-2.3.0-Full.zip20.6 MB · Views: 166
XenForo-2.3.2-Full.zip20.7 MB · Views: 175
XenForo-2.3.3-Full.zip20.7 MB · Views: 262
XenForo-2.3.4-Full.zip20.8 MB · Views: 364
XenForo-2.3.5-Full.zip20.9 MB · Views: 126
XenForo 2.3.6 Full.zip20.9 MB · Views: 194
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