XenCentral Feedback System - Xenforo 2

XenCentral Feedback System - Xenforo 2 2.3.3

XenCentral Feedback System - Xenforo 2.webp

XenCentral Feedback System 2 is a fully-featured feedback system for XenForo 2 that allows your users to give positive, negative, neutral feedback to each other, specify deal threads, see other users trade rating. The add-on creates a separate section in your forum with full feedback data, top rated and untrusted traders list, and integrates users ratings to other XenForo sections (threads, member profile, visitor panel).

Features Overview
  • Dedicated feedback page for all feedback data.
  • Positive, negative, neutral feedback, user's total rating.
  • Feedback as buyer, seller, trader.
  • Users feedback profile with feedback left for and left by user.
  • Feedback comments system.
  • Deal URL options to allow users to specify deal URL and deal thread.
  • Deal thread forums, valid deal URL checking options (starter check, board URL check, unique deal URL check).
  • Deal thread AJAX suggestion.
  • Feedback submission from user's feedback profile and from thread.
  • Tabbed home page with latest feedback, top trusted and untrusted traders, latest activity sections.
  • Latest feedback on home page via AJAX.
  • Latest activity on home page via AJAX.
  • Latest activity filtering by type and user.
  • Sidebars with latest feedback, top trusted and untrusted traders sections.
  • Latest feedback and feedback stats in member profile.
  • Detailed feedback stats in posts, conversations and visitor panel (positive/negative/neutral).
  • XenForo Resource Manager and Media Gallery deal URL and deal thread support.
  • Feedback reporting and moderation.
  • Board Feedback Statistics page for detailed board statistics.
  • User Preferences page for feedback preferences.
  • Admin email, PM, alert notifications. Instant, hourly, daily, weekly notifications.
  • User email, PM, alert notifications. Instant, hourly, daily, weekly notifications.
  • Default users notifications setup in admin panel.
  • Feedback submission restriction for users with no feedback.
  • Unique rating option to calculate rating per unique user.
  • Feedback edit time limit, duplicate time limit, maximum feedback per hour options.
  • Comment form enable/disable, require comment, comment minimum length options.
  • Separate admin panel section.
  • User group permissions - view feedback pages, give feedback, receive feedback, be invisible from latest activity, moderators permissions.
  • Latest Feedback, Top Traders, Untrusted Traders widgets.
  • Total feedback is at least X, Total feedback score is at least X%, Total positive feedback is at least X and User has left at least X feedback criteria to be used in User group promotions and Trophies.
  • Users rating update tool.
  • Importers from Feedback System 1.x, vBulletin iTrader, Photopost Classifieds Feedback, MyBB Reputations, XenTrader 2.x, Trader (XenForo 1.x, 2.x).


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