XenBase - PixelExit.com - Xenforo 2 Style

XenBase - PixelExit.com - Xenforo 2 Style 2.3.2

XenBase - PixelExit.com - Xenforo 2 Style.webp

A solid foundation to use as is or create something amazing for your community. We build all our styles on this.

XenBase - PixelExit.com - Xenforo 2 Style-1.webp

XenBase - PixelExit.com - Xenforo 2 Style-2.webp


It workes but i realy need bolt from pixel exit not xenbase
The style installs but nothing changes when I change settings to the style.
That works for you?
Do they use a core addon for the style or is there something I might be missing?

By the way I have bolt 2.3.2 download below


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