[Xen-Soluce] Credit System - Xenforo 2

[Xen-Soluce] Credit System - Xenforo 2 2.1.2

[Xen-Soluce] Credit System - Xenforo 2.webp

Description :
  • This add-on allow you to setup an advanced system for counting user threads, posts, replies and reactions in selected forums.
Feature summary :
  • Options :
    • Credit calculation method
    • Rounding value
    • Events :
      • Add event :
        • Threads
        • Posts
        • Reply
        • Reactions
        • XenCentral Feedback System :
          • Positive
          • Neutral
          • Negative
        • [Xen-Soluce] Invite System:
          • Invite
      • Title
      • Description
      • Enable
      • Settings - threads :
        • Exclude closed threads
        • Exclude soft-deleted threads
        • Exclude thread IDs
      • Settings - posts :
        • Exclude closed threads
        • Exclude soft-deleted threads
        • Exclude soft-deleted posts
        • Exclude thread IDs
        • Count only one post per user in each thread
      • Settings - reply :
        • Exclude closed threads
        • Exclude soft-deleted threads
        • Exclude soft-deleted posts
        • Exclude thread IDs
        • Count only one reply per user in each thread.
      • Settings - reactions :
        • Exclude closed threads
        • Exclude soft-deleted threads
        • Exclude soft-deleted posts
        • Exclude thread IDs
        • Count only one reaction per user in each thread.
        • Count first post reaction only
      • Credit
      • Credit for closed threads
      • Node
      • User groups
        • User is a member of any of the selected user groups
        • User is NOT a member of any of the selected user groups
    • List all users credit
      • Add credit
      • Remove credit
      • Reason
    • Batch update reset user credit
    • Color property :
      • Add credit color :
        • Start
        • End
        • Color
        • Enable
    • Rebuild credit :
      • Threads
      • Posts
      • Reply
      • Reactions
    • User criteria :
      • Credit count between
      • The user has at least X credit
      • The user has no more than X credit
    • Sort by most credit
    • Member statistics : Most credit
  • Permissions :
    • User : View own credits log
    • User : View other's credits log
    • Forum : Minimum credit to view threads
    • Forum : Minimum credit to view thread content
    • Forum : Minimum credit to post new thread
    • Forum : Minimum credit to post replies
Branding :
  • This add-on does not include branding.
Installation :
  • Download and unzip it.
  • Copy the src/addons/XenSoluce/CreditSystem directory to your server.
  • From the AdminCP install the add-on.


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