WebGuard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management

WebGuard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management 1.3.5

WebGuard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management.webp

WebGuard – Advanced PHP Login and User Management is a PHP application, written on CodeIgniter 4 framework with mysql database, which allows you to better manage your users and permissions. The application is also a useful script for developers who want to save many development hours when creating a framework from scratch.

✔ Login and registration with email.
✔ Social Authentication using +20 social networks.
(Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linkedin, Github, Slack, Instagram …)
✔ Multi-Language Support.
(English, Spanish and Portuguese)
✔ Password Reset and Recovery.
✔ Two-Factor Authentication And Backup Codes.
✔ Remember Me feature on login.
✔ Google reCaptcha and hCaptcha protection.
✔ Authentication Throttling (lock user account after few incorrect login attempts).
✔ Interactive Dashboard.
✔ Unlimited number of user roles.
✔ User Activity Log.
✔ Choice of avatar (No Image, Gravatar, Upload and Social Network).
✔ Adaptive Timezone.
✔ Adaptive Date and Time.
✔ Email verification for registration.
✔ SMS verification for registration.
✔ RESTful API (json and xml).
✔ RESTful Authentication JWT.
✔ CSRF Protection – all forms include CSRF token.
✔ XSS Protection.
✔ SQL Injection Protection.
✔ Allows to be Multi Template.
✔ Twilio Integration.
✔ AWS S3 and MinIO Integration.
✔ Runs on PHP 7.4.0+.

WebGuard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management-1.webp

WebGuard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management-2.webp

WebGuard - Advanced PHP Login and User Management-3.webp

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