TopDeal - Multipurpose Responsive PrestaShop 1.6 & 1.7 Theme

TopDeal - Multipurpose Responsive PrestaShop 1.6 & 1.7 Theme v2.6.2

TopDeal - Multipurpose Responsive PrestaShop 1.6 & 1.7 Theme.webp

SP TopDeal is an integrated of blocks. However, these blocks are combined together and become an modern and logical-looking theme. With a powerful Admin Panel, users can do more than they think about the name – TopDeal. Based on PrestaShop 1.7 and 1.6, TopDeal is suitable for many kinds of business: Fashion, Digital, Accessories or even the mixture of them.

SP TopDeal is comprised of many useful – valuable Extensions including SP Banner, SP Blockcart, SP Blockcurrency, SP Blocklanguage, SP Block Newsletter, SP Block Userinfo, SP Customhtml, SP Listingtabs, SP Supercategory, SP Homeslider, SP Manufacture Slider, SP Megamenu, SP Searchpro, SP Theme Configurator, SP Vertical Menu, SP Extra Slider, SP Footer Links, SP Deal. For different purposes, you will have different ways to use this theme. There is unlimitedfor any Artist like you.

Compatible with PrestaShop 1.6.1.x, 1.7.0.x, 1.7.1.x, 1.7.2.x,, 1.7.4.x,,,

TopDeal - Multipurpose Responsive PrestaShop.webp

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