Shortcoder - Create Shortcodes for Anything - Wordpress

Shortcoder - Create Shortcodes for Anything - Wordpress 6.2

Shortcoder - Create Shortcodes for Anything - Wordpress.webp

Shortcoder plugin allows to create a custom shortcodes for HTML, JavaScript, CSS and other code snippets. Now the shortcodes can be used in posts/pages and the snippet will be replaced in place.


  1. Give a name for the shortcode
  2. Paste the HTML/JavaScript/CSS as shortcode content
  3. Save !
  4. Now insert the shortcode [sc name="my_shortcode"] in your post/page.
  5. Voila ! You got the HTML/Javascript/CSS in your post.
  • Create custom shortcodes easily and use them in any place where shortcode is supported.
  • Have any HTML, Javascript, CSS as Shortcode content.
  • Insert: Custom parameters in shortcode
  • Insert: WordPress parameters in shortcode
  • Multiple editors: Code, Visual and text modes.
  • Globally disable the shortcode when not needed.
  • Disable shortcode on desktop, mobile devices.
  • A button in post editor to pick the shortcodes to insert.
  • Supports Gutenberg.
  • Custom editor – Edit Shortcode content using block editor or page builder plugins like Elementor and WPBakery.
  • Revisions – Revisions support for Shortcode content.
  • Locate shortcode – Search posts and pages where a shortcode is used.
  • Extra code – Include extra code to the footer when a shortcode is used in a page.

Shortcoder - Create Shortcodes for Anything - Wordpress-1.webp

Shortcoder - Create Shortcodes for Anything - Wordpress-2.webp


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