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Fabssam Online Exam and Learning Management System is an online examination and learning management system for schools, colleges, academies, and all types of educational institutes. Now schools can offer online education to your students, take quiz tests and exams easily and effectively.
Fabsam Online Exam and Learning Management System – features are growing with every release, you will get some new features & bugs fixed. Following are the core features of Online Exam and Learning Management System:
- Staff Module
- Teacher Information Management
- Teacher Subjects Management
- Teacher Activity Tracking
- Teacher Login History
- Bulk Teacher Import
- Student Module
- Student Information Management
- Student Academics Management
- Student Attendance Management
- Student Activity / Lessons view Log
- Student Login History
- Bulk Student Import
- List Printing with Login ID / Password
- Classes Module
- Classes Management
- Sections Management
- Group Discussion
- subject wise group discussion
- Studnet can ask question in respective subject group
- Teacher can respond to concerned questions
- Documents sharing in groups
- One-to-One chat for students and teachers
- Subjects / Curriculum Module
- Subjects Curriculum Management
- Subject Grouping (for colleges)
- Subject Notes
- Download Material
- Homework assigning/submission
- Subject Question Bank
- Video Lessons Module
- Lesson scheduling for studnets
- Lesson videos can be stored on youtube
- Studnet can watch the videos in their own time
- Online Classes Module
- Online classes time table management
- Zoom platform can be used for online classes
- Student can attend the online class from their account
- Question Bank / Data bank
- MCQ question bank for subjects
- Short question bank for subjects
- Long question bank for subjects
- Import bulk question for an excel file
- Optional topic can be saved for every question
- An answer/solution can be saved for later reference
- Self Preparation Tests
- Students can create test of a subject
- Students can attempt the test instantly
- Students can view the result instantly
- Students can view the detail of wrong/correct answers
- Quiz Test Module
- MCQ Test Scheduling
- Quiz can be scheduled for later
- Free time counter / strict time counter (both options)
- Student can see instant result after attempting the exam
- A quiz paper can be printed to share the quiz hard copies among students
- Admin can give a chance to student to attempt the quiz once again
- Admin can view the exam attendance report
- Admin can view the exam result report
- Exam Module
- MCQ Exam Scheduling
- Descriptive Exam Scheduling
- Exam can be scheduled for later
- Free time counter / strict time counter (both options)
- Student can not see instant result until published by administrator
- Admin / Teachers can mark the result for descriptive exam (for every question_
- A exam paper can be printed to share the quiz hard copies among students
- Admin can give a chance to student to attempt the exam once again
- Admin can view the exam attendance report
- Admin can view the exam result report
- Student Portal
- Student Dashboard
- Result Anaylytics and upcoming quiz on dashboard
- Profile view and editing
- Online classes
- Subject Group Discussion
- Video Lessons Calendar
- Subject List
- View and submit Homework
- Quiz Test Calendar / results
- Exam Calendar / results
- Teacher Portal
- Teacher Dashboard
- Profile view and editing
- Subjects List
- Message Queries from studnets
- Lesson Management
- Subject question bank management
- Subject MCQ test management
- Subject exam management
- Miscellaneous
- All time-zones supported
- Daily motivational quoute for students
- Self preparation test option can be enabled / disabled
- Chapter wise lesson display can be enabled / disabled
- Lesson schedule display can be enabled / disabled
- Free time counter / strict time counter can be enabled / disabled
- Option to force students to change password on their next login
- Option to force staff / teachers to change password on their next login
- Admin can clear brute force attack cache.
- Admin can download the database backup on a single click.
- Admin can re-create ID’s / passwords for students.
- Admin can clear all the the data of previous session on a single click.
- Logo uploading.
- Bulk password changing.
- Day / Night mode.
- Multiple themes.