ProWriters - Sell writing services online

ProWriters - Sell writing services online 1.7

ProWriters - Sell writing services online - 0.webp

ProWriters is an application that allows you to sell your writing services online. The application contains writing service management software and an ecommerce website, built with Laravel Framework. The system helps you to receive orders and payments from your customers and execute the works through your writers. It enables you to charge your customers based on different Work Levels, Spacing Type, Number of pages etc.

If you do not have a writing service business already you can easily start one right now with ProWriters

Built with Laravel 7 and Bootstrap 4.5

ProWriters - Sell writing services online - 1.webp

Manage Services:
Create unlimited number of services. Set price and charge your customers based on different Work Levels, Spacing Type, Number of pages etc.

Receive Orders:
Receive Orders from your customers with detail information about their requirement including file attachments. When an order is received, an email notification is sent at the email address predefined by you. Manage orders, Assign them to Writers and track them by it’s different statues

Accept Payments:
Accept Payments through both Credit Card and Paypal from your customers. The program uses Braintree payment gateway. Just collect the API credentials and Merchant ID and enter into the settings and you are ready to go

Customer Panel:
Provide your customers a seprate panel when they sign up. Using the panel they can place new orders, track their orders, communicate with writers, download deliverable items, review your service etc.

Writers Panel:
Send invite to writers to join. Once they register they get a separate panel to see their Assigned Tasks, Communicate with Customers, Browse for work opportunities, Request for payment for their work and many more

Manage Writer’s Profile:
Create a list of unlimited number of writers. Upload profile photo, keep record of their bio, skills and other information. Search writers by area of expertise when necessary

When a new order comes in, pick the most suitable candidate from the pool of your writers and assign it as task. Then track it’s progress by it’s different statuses. Receive notification on every milestone achieved

Browse work:
Allow your writers to browse through unassigned tasks and find a suitable task for themselves. You can always turn on or off the option

Customer Rating:
Allow your customers to rate your service after a delivery is complete. It helps you to know how well you are able to serve your customers and how efficient are your writers

Set your own currency, digit grouping symbol, formatting option etc.

Email Settings:
Choose between SMTP and Mailgun for the application to send notification emails. Configure your email right from settings page

For Developers:
The source code of the script is completely open. All the Database Migration, Seeders, Factories, Mail, Notification, Console Commands files are there along with other files. You can use webpack.mix.js to bundle your client side modules/files. You can easily modify scss files to change the styling of the theme. There are composer.json and package.json files. Just run npm install to get all the client side dependencies to start developing; the system already comes with PHP Vendor folder.


ProWriters - Sell writing services online - 2.webp


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