Let's Review WordPress Plugin With Affiliate Options

Let's Review WordPress Plugin With Affiliate Options 3.3.1

Let's Review WordPress Plugin With Affiliate Options.webp

Let’s Review is a WordPress review plugin to add beautiful responsive and modern review boxes with valid JSON-LD schema to your posts. It is Gutenberg ready and adds various exclusive Gutenberg review blocks, making it easier than ever before to add beautiful and comprehensive review boxes. Let’s review is powerful but ridiculously easy to use, thanks to a logical and well designed backend system. You will find lots of illustrated options and speedy drag and drop options that allow you to add unlimited criterias, positives and negatives. And you can even monetize your reviews thanks to the ability of adding unlimited modern affiliate buttons with unique animations to your reviews.

Let's Review WordPress Plugin With Affiliate Options.webp

Full list of features:
  • Lots of designs and combinations to choose from
  • Exclusive review Gutenberg Blocks
  • Unlimited Criterias
  • Unlimited Negatives
  • Unlimited Positives
  • Unlimited Affiliate Buttons
  • Translatable into any language
  • RTL compatible
  • Add reviews to posts and custom posts
  • Powerful Widget with lots of options
  • Valid review rich snippet schema markup inbuilt to show review data in search results. Note: It is impossible to force Google to show review snippets in searches. They changed how it all works and even if you have 100% valid schema, they won’t show it in the results any more, as spammers abused the system for years. This lead to them clamping down on it hard and the algorithm only showing it some times (Notice how you don’t see many review snippets in searches any more these days?).
  • Inbuilt gallery option
  • Default Options to save time when adding new reviews
  • Use any custom icon for the reviews
  • Use any image for the reviews
  • Percentage
  • Stars
  • Points
  • Set option fonts for your review boxes
  • Comes with FontAwesome 5 integrated and can be turned off in plugin options
  • Extensive documentation
  • Pick from 3 different animation styles for when criterias come into screen view
  • Select between editor only/visitor only/editor + visitor reviews
  • Visitor rating option
  • Responsive design
  • Retina Ready
  • Gutenberg Ready
  • Let’s Review API allows you to easily grab the final score, final score subtitle and review color to add integration into any theme. Zeen, Valenti and 15Zine themes have the plugin’s API integrated for extra functionality and plugin integration out-of-the-box, so that is how the scores can be shown on layouts outside the actual post (such as on the demo’s homepage). If you have no experience with code, you will need help from a developer to help you integrate it into whatever theme you may be using – as every theme is coded differently and it is impossible for the plugin to automatically auto-inject itself in post loops outside of the actual post page.


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