KeyPress UI Manager - Simplify and rebrand the WordPress dashboard

KeyPress UI Manager - Simplify and rebrand the WordPress dashboard

KeyPress UI Manager - Simplify and rebrand the WordPress dashboard.webp

With the KeyPress UI Manager Plugin you finally have complete control over the WordPress admin area so you can make it your own. UI Manager is the most powerful and flexible way to edit, brand, and style the WordPress back-end.

Completely Change the Style of the WordPress Admin Dashboard
Give your clients an experience they'll never forget. Whether you want to rearrange a few menu items to make WordPress more intuitive, or completely rebrand the dashboard to make it your own, UI Manager is the tool for the job.
Our new live preview feature allows you to see your design changes on the dashboard in real time!

KeyPress UI Manager - Simplify and rebrand the WordPress dashboard-1.webp

Edit Admin Areas with an Easy Drag and Drop Interface
Don't you hate plugins that don't look like they belong in WordPress? So do we!
We use the native WordPress drag-and-drop interface that you're used to seeing in the Widgets and Menu screen so that you'll know how to use our plugin right out of the box.
No other plugin makes it this easy to edit admin menus!

KeyPress UI Manager - Simplify and rebrand the WordPress dashboard-2.webp

Completely Customize the Customizer!
UI Manager is the only dashboard branding plugin that allows you to edit the WordPress customizer menus.
Give your client's a streamlined experience by hiding confusing options and making the experience more visually appealing with icons and colors.

Granular Control with Powerful Filtering Options
While it's easy to get up and running with UI Manager, under the hood we give you the power to take granular control over how your UI elements look and when they appear.
Using our "Views" and "Rules" systems, you can save menu configurations for all sorts of scenarios. This becomes even more powerful on WordPress Multisite. You can show different menus to users depending on:
  • User Role
  • Username
  • Theme
  • Sub-site (multisite only)
  • WP Ultimo plan (multisite only)
Optimized For Multisite, Perfect for Single Installs
We built this plugin with WordPress Multisite admins in mind. In fact, it's the only plugin that allows you to edit the menus of the network admin, main site and subsites all separately.
But the plugin also works well in single install environments. Use it to help customize your website networks or use it to brand the WordPress dashboard for your individual client projects.


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