illuminate light / dark - Xenforo 2 Style

illuminate light / dark - Xenforo 2 Style 2.3.4

  • Thread starter Thread starter xenvn
  • Start date Start date
illuminate (dark) - Xenforo 2 Style.webp

illuminate by xenfocus
illuminate (dark) is a minimal, modern theme for xenforo 2. A compact header neatly contains your logo, navigation, a fluid search bar and user icons - while your main content is placed on a simple, dark background for easy reading (especially in dark environments or at night time)! Categories can be styled with their own unique colour scheme which is especially great for sports teams, brands, games or movies.

This theme only contains one modified template file, which means upgrades are a breeze!

illuminate light - dark - Xenforo 2 Style.webp

illuminate (dark) - Xenforo 2 Style-1.webp


Last edited:
then I want to do good again


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