Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) - Xenforo 2

Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) - Xenforo 2 2.0.0

Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) - Xenforo 2.webp

Quickly add Google's Adsense to your website using Google's Autoads placement.

Setup is easy:
  • Download and install the addon
  • Enter your Adsense publisher ID
  • Choose any controllers you don't want to show ads on
  • Choose any forums (and children) you don't want to show ads on
  • Choose any usergroups you don't want to show ads to
  • Specify any pages to exclude
  • Enable the plugin
  • Profit!
This module is fully internationalized and supports phrases to be multilingual.

Google Adsense Autoads (Advanced) - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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