GA-Lite (Google Analytics Lite) - Xenforo 2

GA-Lite (Google Analytics Lite) - Xenforo 2

GA-Lite (Google Analytics Lite) - Xenforo 2.webp

This simple addon replaces the Google Analytics library with the GA-Lite library, a small cacheable version which can help slim your page size and load by a small amount. GA Lite is open source, and supports most features of the latest official Google API. It was originally created as a means to achieve 100/100 scores in Page Speed Insights and Lighthouse.

  • Size only 8kb
  • Open source
  • Can be locally hosted
  • Does not use cookies
  • Gets disabled on "Do not track" flag
Supports these functions from Google Analytics.js:
  • Page Tracking
  • Event Tracking
  • Social Interactions
  • User Timings
  • Exception Tracking
  • Supports most features of latest API, with some exceptions in:
    • Custom variables, custom dimensions and metrics
    • Offline enabled data sync
  • Supports all modern browsers with some limitation for older IE browsers
GA-Lite (Google Analytics Lite) - Xenforo 2-1.webp


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