Deep Freeze Enterprise

Deep Freeze Enterprise

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Deep Freeze is Faronics’s solution for quickly recovering settings and other Windows software changes after each boot. This program returns to the previous state by taking a picture of all the Windows settings after its reset; if changed by the user or the virus entry is causing them, then the software will return it to the original state and with this feature Deep Freeze can even be a replacement for anti-virus, and it’s enough to restart Windows at the time of the virus entry. This application is commonly used in cybercafes, offices, schools, and in general for publicly-used computers.

Features of Deep Freeze Software
  • Easy and convenient interface
  • Completely and accurately restore the changes to the original state after each restart
  • Thaw means thawing or freezing the freeze and frozen system to apply the settings and changes needed on Windows (settings that do not change with restart)
  • Program security by creating proprietary or disposable passwords to access settings
  • Set freeze time to perform antivirus, windows, and more updates.
  • Full management and client management capabilities in the Server version
  • Set the computer restart or shutdown time
  • Compatibility with different numbers and types of hard drives and file systems
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