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  1. [XenGenTr] Forum statistics PLUS?

    [XenGenTr] Forum statistics PLUS?

    @reghost Post in thread '[XenGenTr] Core Library 2.0.0+?'
  2. [XenGenTr] User poster design system - Xenforo 2

    [XenGenTr] User poster design system - Xenforo 2

    I already managed to install it now I can't make it work for me for version 2.3.6 it doesn't recognize the fa-users nor the full banners
  3. [XenGenTr] User poster design system - Xenforo 2

    [XenGenTr] User poster design system - Xenforo 2

    Please can you tell me the ones I need or leave me the links 🔗 to buy them
  4. [XenGenTr] User poster design system - Xenforo 2

    [XenGenTr] User poster design system - Xenforo 2

    When I try to install it, I get this @xenvn
  5. XenForo 2.3 Full - Compelling Community Platform

    XenForo 2.3 Full - Compelling Community Platform

    It happened to me half the same, I had to do a job
  6. Reactions


    Doesn't it have any CCS to make them look like the ones in the photo?
  7. Reactions


  8. Reactions


    I'm looking for how to make these reactions for my Forum if someone would be so kind as to help me please use the default style of xenForo
  9. Xenforo Message profile - Xenforo 2

    Xenforo Message profile - Xenforo 2

    @xenvn It works in 2.3.6 ?
  10. [XTR] Reputation System - Xenforo 2

    [XTR] Reputation System - Xenforo 2

    Give me some suggestions on how to configure it based on the bar through topics or answers created by the User.
  11. [XTR] Reputation System - Xenforo 2

    [XTR] Reputation System - Xenforo 2

    But without adding the text it didn't come out I had to add the code in the MESSAGE_MACRO
  12. [XTR] Reputation System - Xenforo 2

    [XTR] Reputation System - Xenforo 2

    I must delete everything within message_macro or where I add it
  13. [XTR] Reputation System - Xenforo 2

    [XTR] Reputation System - Xenforo 2

    @xenvn The complement doesn't work for me, I'm missing something
  14. Create Password Protect Admin.php - Xenforo 2

    Create Password Protect Admin.php - Xenforo 2

    @xenvn I use shared Web Hosting or cPanel as I find the folder (admin) of xenForo or what is the htaccess file that I must modify ?
  15. [XenGenTr] Prefix design system - Xenforo 2

    [XenGenTr] Prefix design system - Xenforo 2

    Correct, thank you for the correction
  16. [XenGenTr] Prefix design system - Xenforo 2

    [XenGenTr] Prefix design system - Xenforo 2

    Well, I have 2.2.17, I don't let you care about the complement
  17. [XenGenTr] Prefix design system - Xenforo 2

    [XenGenTr] Prefix design system - Xenforo 2

    I think it works only for 2.3.0
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