Recent content by bajubesi

  1. illuminate light / dark - Xenforo 2 Style

    illuminate light / dark - Xenforo 2 Style

    this not original illuminate theme, it's just a promo this his site.
  2. Ztense Torrent tracker and H&R - Xenforo 2

    Ztense Torrent tracker and H&R - Xenforo 2

    any installation instructions for this ??
  3. [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak - Xenforo 2

    [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak - Xenforo 2

    @xenvn Could not process The following requirements for [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak were not met: [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak requires [XFA] Core 1.0.0. can u please upload [XFA] Core too with this add on, i cannot find the add on by searching the forum.
  4. Chat 2 by Siropu - AJAX chat for XenForo 2

    Chat 2 by Siropu - AJAX chat for XenForo 2

    Chat 2 by Siropu 2.2.8 please
  5. AndyB - Country Flag - Xenforo 2

    AndyB - Country Flag - Xenforo 2

    where do i put the key ?? i don't see anything in andy flag country option to put the key.
  6. B

    [REQUEST] XenBase - 2.2.12

    hye can u help me get XenBase theme latest version for xenforo 2.2.12, thanks in advance.
  7. XenForo Media Gallery

    XenForo Media Gallery

    use ftp to upload the files not using admin upload try upload manually. after that check at add-on admincp, i test already doing manual upload method,it's working fine.
  8. Shoutbox by Siropu - Xenforo 2

    Shoutbox by Siropu - Xenforo 2

    thanks for you help, i set the permission and can see it now,thank u so much
  9. Shoutbox by Siropu - Xenforo 2

    Shoutbox by Siropu - Xenforo 2

    how do i install this? i already upload all the files and successfully install using admin control panel but nothing appear above my forum nodes, can anybody help me? i can't see any shoutbox in my forum, can anybody help me setting it?
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