- Views: 5K
- Replies: 16
Hidden content add-on for the XenForo 2 forum. Supports 16 BB Codes for hiding according to various parameters
- Hidden text for club members
- Hidden text by the number of days
- Hidden text for groups
- Hidden text for registered members
- Hidden text by the number of likes
- Hidden text by the number of messages
- Hidden text by specific reaction
- Hidden text until user replies to topic
- Hidden text until the user replies to the topic and clicks I like
- Hidden text until the user replies to the topic or clicks I like
- Hidden text on the number of resources (An installed resource manager plugin is required, otherwise disable this bb code)
- Hidden text until the user clicks I like
- Hidden text for users
- Hidden text prohibiting viewing to certain users
- Hidden text by user id
- Hidden text prohibiting viewing to certain users by id
Fired inside the MMO\Hide\BbCode\HideTags class in the getHideTags() method.
This allows you to add additional fields that bb-codes.
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