We welcome everyone to visit and join XenVn.Com! I built this forum because I am passionate about programming. This is where I share what I've gathered and learned from the world. XenVn add-on for...
With this add-on, you can create unlimited tours and hints on your site for any part that you want. Using its dedicated panel, you can easily manage your tours and hints separately and re order...
Description: Removes lazy load function in posts. If you view a thread with many images, the lazy load function only starts to display the image as you scroll. This leads to an unpleasant user...
Description: Stores information about the number of words in thread title and adds forum / batch thread update filters. Warning: After add-on install will be automatically started thread title...
Description: Blocks registration from specified regions. Features: Uses ipapi.co for accurate country locations. All phrases start with regionregistrationcheck_ for your convenience. Setup: Enter...
This add-on is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd. XR Product Manager is a fully featured product/license manager add-on for XenForo which will allow you to sell products to your members. Since XF2...
Description: Deletes all posts made by banned users. Features: Physically deletes all posts and threads made by banned users. Option to limit the number of posts to delete at one time. All phrases...
Description: Import tool for the Weekly newsletter add-on. Importing from Weekly digest: If you're currently using the Weekly digest add-on, you will want to import your current Weekly digest user...
Description: Removes the ignore function. Your members will enjoy having an easier to use forum which has less clutter. Template modifications: The following template modifications are used in...
Description: Easily manage your Google AdSense in XenForo Resource Manager. Features: Ads are displayed in overview, category view and resource view. Options page allows disabling ads from...
Description: Adds CSS code for Advertising. For use when using the Advertising function using fixed sized responsive ads. Setup: Follow the instruction provided here to setup your Advertising...
Description: Disallows bold bbcode tag in posts. If you have that problem user who always bolds his entire post, this add-on will not allow him to save such a post.
Description: Updates the SoundCloud BB code media site to show the smaller player. How to update with small SoundCloud media player: Navigate to the following page: Admin control panel -> Content...
Description: Sends an email to staff when a new thread is created. This is a great way for staff to be notified of a new thread as replying to new threads quickly is important. Features: All...
Description: Shows a list of banned users by message count order. How to use: Add 'bannedusers' to your forum URL. Questions and answers: Q: Who can use this add-on? A: Only the admin can use this...
Presentation : This addon allow to you add an FontAwesome icon on front of username, this icon is personnalizable inside settings of user groups. You don't need to install FontAwesome manualy, it...
Description: Allows changing the date and time of a resource. Features: All phrases start with changeresourcedate_ for your convenience. Group Permissions: Be sure to set the User group...
Just created my first AddOn for XF2 With this AddOn, you can display the user group list Option : - Enable user group list - Exclude groups After installing it you need to do this Go to the...
Description: Allows specifying which favicon.png to use for the admin control panel. Setup step 1: Go to the following page to add a favicon.png Admin control panel -> Appearance -> Default style...
Whitelist for the XF FileCheck The option fields for entering the data are only visible if debug mode has been activated. (This is only necessary for the input, after which it can be deactivated...