[XFA] Roster - Club Management System Xenforo 2

[XFA] Roster - Club Management System Xenforo 2 2.1.0

Roster - Club Management System Xenforo 2.webp

Roster adds a complete club management system to your forum with the capability to create rosters associated to different games in each club.

Key Features
  • Create game list:
    • Enable/Disable game
    • Upload game icon
  • Create unlimited custom fields for clubs
  • Manage club:
    • Edit club
    • Upload club logo
    • Unlimited number of rosters in clubs:
      • Add/Edit roster
        • Username autocomplete for roster captain
        • Game selector
      • Delete roster
      • Add member in roster with username autocomplete
      • Revoke user in roster
    • Manage members requests to join club
    • Change club owner
    • Revoke user in club
    • Invite member in club (via user profile and member card)
  • Users can do a lot of actions:
    • Send request to join club
    • Cancel request
    • Leave club
    • Report Club
  • Activity Stream and alert notification in club:
    • Log owner actions on club (edit club, revoke user...)
    • Log user actions about club (join, leave...)
  • Club members list
  • Club rosters list: we can also view members with member lists overlay
  • Clubs moderation:
    • You can moderate all clubs (club is automatically disable) when:
      • Club is created
      • Club is edited
      • Club owner changed
    • You can see all reports


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Roster - Club Management System Xenforo 2.png
Roster adds a complete club management system to your forum with the capability to create rosters associated to different games in each club.

Key Features
  • Create game list:
    • Enable/Disable game
    • Upload game icon
  • Create unlimited custom fields for clubs
  • Manage club:
    • Edit club
    • Upload club logo
    • Unlimited number of rosters in clubs:
      • Add/Edit roster
        • Username autocomplete for roster captain
        • Game selector
      • Delete roster
      • Add member in roster with username autocomplete
      • Revoke user in roster
    • Manage members requests to join club
    • Change club owner
    • Revoke user in club
    • Invite member in club (via user profile and member card)
  • Users can do a lot of actions:
    • Send request to join club
    • Cancel request
    • Leave club
    • Report Club
  • Activity Stream and alert notification in club:
    • Log owner actions on club (edit club, revoke user...)
    • Log user actions about club (join, leave...)
  • Club members list
  • Club rosters list: we can also view members with member lists overlay
  • Clubs moderation:
    • You can moderate all clubs (club is automatically disable) when:
      • Club is created
      • Club is edited
      • Club owner changed
    • You can see all reports
I get this error when i try to create a club.

XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [1054]: Unknown column 'xfa_tourn_wins' in 'field list' in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 217
Pls how to fix it ?
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