XenVn Addon Google Pagespeed Problem

xenfhtmlVerified member


Vip Member
Reputation: 3%
It has been about 2 months since I installed the XenVn Addon on my site. Google Pagespeed CLS increased from 0 to 0,11 and continues to increase.

Also on Xenvn.com, the CLS value in thread page for mobile is 0.31 and for desktop is 0.12. A solution needs to be found urgently.
I have been using the xenvn add-on for about 3 years.
I have not come across an increase rate as you mentioned.
Now adding the values of the queries I made.



However, we cannot reduce the Total Blocking Time values, especially on mobile.
@xenvn, is it possible for you to do something about it?

See results in the section: Diagnose performance issues

Discover what your real users are experiencing

This is a summary of results from multiple users from the Chrome browser, collected within 28 days. (The information has been described very clearly).

If you want a higher score, Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) = 0. Remove Google ADS on your site.
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