[XenGenTr] Style V7 - 7th Gen theme - Xenforo 2

[XenGenTr] Style V7 - 7th Gen theme - Xenforo 2

[XenGenTr] Style V7 - 7th Gen theme - Xenforo 2..webp

[XenGenTr] Style V7- 7th Generation theme
XenGenTr 7th Generation theme, Simplicity and clarity, a light theme, the integration of blue, white and gray for Xenforo 2

[XenGenTr] Style V7 - 7th Gen theme - Xenforo 2-1.webp

[XenGenTr] Style V7 - 7th Gen theme - Xenforo 2-2.webp

[XenGenTr] Style V7 - 7th Gen theme - Xenforo 2-3.webp


Tell me how to install it correctly so that it works properly? Or does anyone have installation instructions?

src/config.php add this: $config['development']['enabled'] = true;

then log in to your admin panel upload the addon

install the addon then set the value with the addon install your theme and that's it

