[XenGenTr] Forum statistics PLUS - Xenforo 2

[XenGenTr] Forum statistics PLUS - Xenforo 2 2.0.1

[XenGenTr] Forum statistics PLUS - Xenforo 2.webp

[XenGenTr] Take your forum to the next level with Forum Statistics PLUS. Engage your users, create commercial opportunities and manage your forum more effectively. Buy today and feel the difference!

Featured Features
  • Sticky Topics: You can pin the topics you want through the statistics system and attract the attention of users by displaying these topics in the most visible areas of the forum.
  • Commercial Ads: You can increase your revenues by using fixed topics for commercial ads. Get more visibility by featuring sponsored content.
  • Detailed Statistics: Analyze the performance and engagement of topics in your forum in detail. Find out which topics are most popular and what users are interested in.
  • Easy Management: Easily manage your sticky topics and ads with its user-friendly interface. It can be customized according to your needs and adapts to your forum with its flexible structure.
Extra Benefits:
  • Sponsored Topics: Create commercial opportunities on your forum with the ability to highlight and highlight sponsored content. Get more engagement and revenue by making sponsored topics prominent.
  • User Groups: Give special privileges and visibility to specific user groups.
  • Performance: With its constantly updated structure, it always provides the best performance and increases the speed of your forum.
Why [XenGenTr] Forum statistics PLUS ?
  • Increased Engagement: Attract users and increase forum interaction with sticky topics and ads.
  • Commercial Opportunities: Earn additional income by creating advertising spaces on your forum.
  • Performance Tracking: Analyze and improve your forum performance with detailed statistics.
  • Flexibility: Easily integrate into your forum and make your management more efficient.
[XenGenTr] Forum statistics PLUS - Xenforo 2-1.webp


Last edited:
Re-update. Fix URL redirection when no license.

We do not encourage using pirated resources, use it only for research purposes and buy it from the author if you like it.
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