Xenforo Automatically Delete Inactive Users

Xenforo Automatically Delete Inactive Users

  • Thread starter Thread starter xenvn
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Automatically delete users who have been inactive for more than 360 days.
Do not delete administrators, moders or banned members.

Activate at: XenVn Setting -> User-> Automatically Delete Inactive Users
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If there are 360 days automatically, what does the value to be entered there mean?
This is not fully understood!
So if he has never logged in for 360 days; Does it mean that it will delete that user after 1 day.
So on the 361st day, the user will be deleted?
These parts are not clear to me.
If there are 360 days automatically, what does the value to be entered there mean?
This is not fully understood!
So if he has never logged in for 360 days; Does it mean that it will delete that user after 1 day.
So on the 361st day, the user will be deleted?
These parts are not clear to me.
It's simple, in programming the day is equivalent to the 1st of 360 days
I've now compared the backup I took on 18 August with the new backup.
A total of 167 users have been deleted.
But something very different caught my attention.
The usernames of all deleted users start with 0 or 1 or 2.
Could there be something else here?
I've now compared the backup I took on 18 August with the new backup.
A total of 167 users have been deleted.
But something very different caught my attention.
The usernames of all deleted users start with 0 or 1 or 2.
Could there be something else here?

Also, as you say, if users who did not log in for 1 day (if I understand this part correctly) were deleted... probably tens of thousands of users would be deleted.
Am I mistaken?

What should we do to disable this option completely?
Users are deleted in a meaningless way :(
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