[UW] Smileys Bar - Xenforo 2

[UW] Smileys Bar - Xenforo 2 2.2.2

[UW] Smileys Bar - Xenforo 2.webp

Smileys Bar for text editor allows faster, easier access to the smileys without covering the text area.
No more covered text when trying to insert a smiley!

Smileys Bar
takes the whole XF smileys default functionality to the next level. The main purpose of this add-on is to add to the bottom of the text editor a bar with the most common, most used smileys (Recently used, XF default smileys/Uncategorized smilies) that are always visible so you have fast, easy and convenient access to them and without covering the text area.

[UW] Smileys Bar - Xenforo 2-1.webp

[UW] Smileys Bar - Xenforo 2-2.webp


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